Our proposal
Thanks to its patented technology, IDArtScience proposes an innovative anti-counterfeiting system for artworks. Our solution fulfills the need of cataloging and protecting artworks avoiding duplication and replacements with fakes, as well as of providing a clear identification in case of loss or stealing.
With IDArtScience, investment in art is future-proof

Project ranked first in the Public Notice Start Up DTCLazio (BUR Lazio of 25/01/2022) – Support for birth and development of enterprises that carry out activities with high technological and innovative content in the field of technologies for Cultural Heritage and Activities

Previously developed anti-counterfeiting systems based on the application of markers (such as labels, holograms, invisible inks) on the artwork can be bypassed by progresses in technology that will inevitably allow the identification of the type and position of the markers, exposing them to the possibility of being fakedOn the contrary, our technique doesn’t add anything to the artwork
it exploits the intrinsic properties of the artwork that cannot be altered by definition. The artwork itself guarantees its own anti-counterfeiting.
IDArtScience patented technology is based on the reconstruction of the inner layers of the artwork analyzed in a complete non-intrusive way that, being invisible to the human eye, are impossible to be duplicated.
Object ID is a useful tool to assess an artwork feature and its presence in a certain place at a certain time. Anyway, this information can be poorly representative in the legal or insurance fieldIDArtScience technology perfectly integrates with the standard defined by the Object ID
and completes it certifying the unicity of the artwork, therefore excluding the possibility of counterfeiting
Each artwork analysis will be saved in a blockchain that assumes the role of a notary. It will guarantee that the examination of the artwork happened at a certain time and allow the identification of its clientOnly a hash will be saved
that will contain no information about the client or the artwork, protecting the privacy of its owner
In our technology the artwork fingerprint is obtained exploiting the penetrating power of the X Ray radiation and its capability to interact with electrons.
Our system is made by an emitter and a solid state detector able to recognize every single photon interacting with the innermost layers of the artwork. This provides the knowledge of the relationship between the thickness of the inner layers that is unique for each artwork, is unknown to possible counterfeiter, and is insensitive to artwork degrading or aging.

Our hardware and software are proprietary and patented, making our system unique; nonetheless our checks are easy to be reproduced through the proper procedure, assuring our results to be reliable in time and from every point of view.
Moreover, the base concepts of our technology are well-known procedures in the fields of applied science to cultural heritage; therefore our results are easy to be recognized by experts, providing their natural validation.
IDArtScience represents an important added value, as it guarantees a priori recognition of the work in any condition. This kind of anti-counterfeiting method proofs the unicity of an artwork during transactions and investment transactions, as well as in buy-and-selling, insurance (reduced costs of insurances because of the reduced Risks connected to counterfeiting or duplicating the artwork), evaluation and/or update of the artwork value.Therefore IDArtScience can be used to:
1. To catalog single artwork or complete public/private collections, ensuring their unicity even for investment funds collections, therefore safeguarding Art & Finance compartments
2. To protect artworks in case of loan for exhibitions, providing their easy verification
3. To protect “notified” artworks, i.e. artworks declared important for historical and artistic reasons, in order to simplify the procedures for their temporary export
4. To monitor and verify that an artwork cataloged by IDArtScience did not undergo substitution, duplication or counterfeiting, without knowledge or authorization
IDArtScience fulfills all needs related to a safe managing of artwork and public/private collections.A high level of safeguarding is in fact mandatory in case of loan, buy-and-selling or custody of an artwork.
In case of stealing, IDArtScience is an essential tool to attest the effective property and unicity of the stolen artwork and to bring it back to its legitimate owner in case of finding.
Our system is a perfect deterrent to prevent stealing and counterfeiting for any alteration will be immediately and undoubtedly identified.
Years of R&D in the field of cultural anti-counterfeiting heritage lead to the conclusion that only the identification and the classification of what is invisible to eyes makes an effective protection against counterfeiting, because only what is intrinsically hidden inside the artwork to be protected cannot undergo falsification.For this reason the innovation proposed by IDArtScience will guarantee a security level never reached before.
Thanks to our system, nobody but the artwork itself declares its own credentials: any falsification will make the credentials wrong and the counterfeiting will be immediately revealed.
Fighting counterfeiting
Prof. Stefano Ridolfi
Physicist, Applied Sciences for Cultural Heritage
Ing. M.Alessandro Paolelli
Chemical Engineer, System Integration
Ing. Luca Venturini
Electronic Engineer, Blockchain Developer for Cryptocurrencies
Dott. Claudio Contini
Economist, Finance Controller
Contact us for more information
328.19.25.391 — 347.92.64.055